Call me now on: 07967208230
Jobyjo Fitness, personal instructor, Southwell
Sundays at 8.30am (fortinghtly)
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Worshipcise is a class which helps you get fitter for God using worship music. There is a cardio element, a strength element, a cool down and an opportunity for quiet time to listen to God's voice .
Previous classes are available on You Tube. Check out
Mondays at 7.30pm
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Set to club anthems from 90’s classics to the latest hits, Clubbercise classes and events are held in a darkened room with disco lights and our trademark LED glow sticks. Our routines combine dance, toning and combat moves with options to suit all fitness levels.
Mums, Bums and Tums
Wednesdays at 1.30pm
Email for more details
For new Mum's, bring you baby to the class. Workout using bodyweight exercises suited to new Mums.
Bootcamp Class
Fridays at 9.30am
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Bootcamp uses body weight exercises to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously.